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A school  counselor performs the job roles from a wide range of problems and challenges students face to overcome and support social, emotional and academic well being . 

In school setting, the counselor assists students at various levels from elementary to college and acts as an advocate by being a valuable resource for educational enhancement. They must listen and offer empathy to build a trusting relationship between the two.

 A school counselor may perform the roles in the following facets to guide and counsel: academic , social and emotional development.

 However , a  career counselor is a trained professional offering specialized services with utmost precision taking full responsibility to guide. The role of a career counselor is that of a specialist who endeavors to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a learner and help explore career opportunities and options. Career counselor enables an individual to choose the right career which will be rewarding as well as will give full job satisfaction to the person. They use tools like aptitude and achievement assessment to evaluate their interest, skills and abilities. They analyses the client’s background , educational and training to help develop realistic and achievable  goals.

 It is said that a career counselor who patiently listen to the students makes the best counseling and suggest the correct career option.

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